HBP CodeJam Workshop #7
11th-14th January 2016, Manchester, UK
Shrigley Hall Hotel
The goal of the CodeJam workshops is to catalyze open-source, collaborative software development in computational and systems neuroscience and neuroinformatics, by bringing together researchers, students and engineers to share ideas, present their work, and write code together.
The general format of the workshops is to dedicate the mornings to invited and contributed talks, leaving the afternoons free for discussions, tutorials and code sprints.
The 7th CodeJam was sponsored by the Human Brain Project.
The meeting was held at the Shrigley Hall Hotel, located in Manchester, UK. The meeting was organised by Andrew Davison, David Lester, Abigail Morrison, Eilif Muller and Jeffrey Muller.
- Kamal AbuHassan21
- Olivier Amblet6
- Jan Antolik1,22
- Justas Birgiolas23
- Inga Blundell9
- Petrut Bogdan10
- Oliver Breitwieser19
- Nicholas Cain7
- Nicolas Cain
- Matteo Cantarelli24
- Matteo Cantarelli
- Jean-Denis Courcol6
- Benjamin Cumming25
- Sergio Davies16
- Andrew Davison1
- Michael Denker13
- Mikael Djurfeldt26
- Jochen Martin Eppler27
- Csaba Eroe6
- David Feng7
- Chris Fitzpatrick28
- Sergio Emilio Galindo Ruedas29
- Juan José Garcia Cantero29
- Padraig Gleeson
- Sergey Gratiy7,8
- Domenico Guarino30
- Juan Hernando
- Juan Hernando Vieites6
- Michael Hines20
- Detlef Holstein1,18
- Christian Jaques6
- Samuel Kerrien31
- Mitja Kleider19
- Johann Klähn19
- Susanne Kunkel32
- David Lester
- Kunal Lillaney15
- Christian Mauch19
- Abigail Morrison2
- Eilif Muller3
- Jeffrey Muller4
- Andrew Mundy11
- Eric Müller19
- Paul Müller19
- Eric Nichols33
- Christian Pehle34
- Alexander Peyser35
- Dimitri Plotnikov36
- Dimitri Plotnikov
- Christian Pozzorini6
- Vahid Rostami
- Vahid Rostami12
- Andrew Rowley16
- Bernd Schuller12
- Michael Sonntag37
- Adrian Stoewer14
- Alan Stokes16
- Corinne Teeter7
- Guido Trensch38
- Werner Van Geit39
- Stefano Vrizzi40
- Philipp Weidel17
- Marmaduke Woodman5
- Willem Wybo6
- Alper Yegenoglu12
- Catherine Zwahlen6
- 1UNIC, CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France
- 2Research Centre Jülich
- 3EPFL-BBP, Switzerland
- 4EPFL, Blue Brain Project
- 5AMU
- 6EPFL, Switzerland
- 7Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, USA
- 8Allen Institute
- 9IAS-6 FZJ
- 10University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
- 11
- 13Forschungszentrum Juelich
- 14German Neuroinformatics Node
- 15JHU
- 16UMAN
- 17Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) and Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and JARA BRAIN Institute I, Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany
- 18UNIC-CNRS, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- 19UHEI
- 20yale.edu
- 21ARU
- 22UNIC CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- 23Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
- 24OpenWorm, US / Ireland / Italy / Russia
- 25CSCS
- 27Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
- 28INCF, Stockholm, Sweden
- 29Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- 30CNRS
- 31Blue Brain Project, EPFL, Switzerland
- 32Jülich Research Centre, Germany
- 33University of Surrey
- 34University of Heidelberg
- 35Neuroscience SimLab Forschungszentrum Jülich
- 36RWTH Aachen
- 37Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- 38FZ Juelich
- 39Blue Brain Project, EPFL
- 40University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Meeting Program
Mon. 11th Jan. | ||
09:35 | Model simplification | |
09:35 | Eilif Muller | Phenomenological simplification of dendrites and synapses |
09:55 | Marmaduke Woodman | Simplifying brain activity: neural mass network models |
10:15 | Willem Wybo | Capturing dendritic computation using the Sparse Green's Function formalism |
10:35 | Christian Pozzorini | Characterization of single neurons by means of simplified spiking models |
10:55 | Nicolas Cain | DiPDE: A simulator for population density modeling [PDF] |
11:15 | Break | |
11:45 | Standardisation of model representations | |
11:45 | Padraig Gleeson | NeuroML, LEMS and Open Source Brain |
12:10 | Inga Blundell, Jochen Martin Eppler and Dimitri Plotnikov | NEST Modeling Language: A modeling language for spiking neuron and synapse models for NEST [PDF] |
12:35 | Sergey Gratiy | Model representation approaches for the Allen mouse visual column [PDF] |
13:00 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
14:30 | Padraig Gleeson | Tutorial: The NeuroML and LEMS toolchain |
16:00 | Break | |
16:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
16:30 | Inga Blundell and Dimitri Plotnikov | Tutorial: NESTML [PDF] |
20:30- | Dinner | |
Tue. 12th Jan. | ||
09:30 | Simulation tools | |
09:30 | Abigail Morrison | What's new with NEST |
09:50 | Michael Hines | NEURON + Python [PDF] |
10:10 | Eric Müller | The BrainScaleS neuromorphic system |
10:30 | Andrew Rowley and Alan Stokes | SpiNNaker: What's new [PDF] |
10:50 | Mikael Djurfeldt | MUSIC [PDF] |
11:10 | Break | |
11:45 | Workflows in large collaborative projects | |
11:45 | Olivier Amblet | HBP Collaboratory app development [PDF] |
12:10 | Bernd Schuller | UNICORE in the Human Brain Project [PDF] |
12:35 | Matteo Cantarelli | Tales of open collaboration - How to work with human beings |
13:00 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
14:30 | Domenico Guarino | Tutorial: An introduction to scientific Python |
14:30 | Andrew Rowley and Alan Stokes | Tutorial: SpiNNaker |
16:00 | Break | |
16:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
16:30 | Matteo Cantarelli | Tutorial: Geppetto |
16:30 | Olivier Amblet and Jeffrey Muller | Tutorial: the HBP Collaboratory |
20:30- | Poster session, buffet dinner | |
Wed. 13th Jan. | ||
09:30 | Data integration and data analysis | |
09:30 | Eilif Muller | The BBP data model, BluePy and friends [PDF] |
09:55 | Michael Denker | The Role of Elephants in Complex Workflows in Electrophysiology [PDF] |
10:20 | Adrian Stoewer | NIX: a file format for electrophysiology data and metadata |
10:45 | Kunal Lillaney | Neuro-visualization at the network edge [PDF] |
11:10 | Break | |
11:45 | Validation suites for brain models | |
11:45 | Jean-Denis Courcol | HBP Brain Simulation Platform validation automation [PPTX] |
12:10 | Jan Antolik | Mozaik as a brain model validation tool |
12:35 | Corinne Teeter | Generalized Leaky Integrate and Fire Neurons. Evaluating the contribution of different mechanisms in recreating the spike times of neurons |
12:50 | David Feng | AllenSDK: automated, standardized, and reproducible single cell model optimization in the Allen Cell Types Database |
13:15 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
14:30 | Alan Stokes | Tutorial: an introduction to Git and Github |
14:30 | Detlef Holstein, Vahid Rostami and Alper Yegenoglu | Tutorial: data analysis with Elephant |
16:00 | Break | |
16:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
16:30 | David Feng | Tutorial: the Allen tools |
20:30- | Poster session, buffet dinner | |
Thu. 14th Jan. | ||
09:30 | Neurorobotics / closed-loop systems | |
09:30 | Matteo Cantarelli | Openworm: Building a digital organism |
09:55 | Petrut Bogdan | SpiNNaker meets silicon devices [PPSX] |
10:20 | Andrew Mundy | Spaun and SpiNNaker |
10:45 | Csaba Eroe | Point-neuron mouse brain in a closed-loop system |
11:10 | Philipp Weidel | ROS-MUSIC Toolchain |
11:35 | Break | |
12:05 | Visualisation | |
12:05 | Juan Hernando | Looking into the forest: Programmable visualization of neural networks with detailed morphologies |
12:25 | Lightning talks | |
12:25 | Nicholas Cain | DiPDE, SpiNNaker, and Geppetto, Oh My! [PDF] |
12:30 | Andrew Davison | Reproducibility through environment capture: Docker and Sumatra [PDF] |
12:40 | Justas Birgiolas | Can we make computational neuroscience less "sticky": a newcomer's perspective [PPTX] |
12:45 | Kamal AbuHassan | Bayesian inference in waveform signals based on BAYSIG [PPTX] |
13:00 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Parallel tracks: tutorials and code sprints | |
16:00 | Break | |
16:30 | Code sprints | |
20:30- | Dinner | |
Unless mentioned otherwise, all the downloadable talks are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License.
The meeting organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of the European Union through the Human Brain Project and in particular the Neuromorphic Computing subproject. We also wish to express our great appreciation to the SpiNNaker team at Manchester University, to the HBP Education subproject, and to Björn Kindler at Heidelberg University for their considerable assistance with organisation and administration of the workshop.