A collection of tools to support all tasks associated with a neural simulation project and which are not handled by the simulation engine.NeuroTools is a collection of tools to support all tasks associated with a neural simulation project and which are not handled by the simulation engine. NeuroTools is written in Python, and works best with PyNN, or one of the growing list of simulation engines with a Python front-end such as NEURON, NEST, PCSIM, FACETS Neuromorphic VLSI, Brian, MOOSE, Neurospaces/GENESIS. NeuroTools provides modules to facilitate simulation setup, parameterization, data management, analysis and visualization. The data-related tools are equally suited to analysis of experimental data, although that is not the primary motivation for their development.
NeuroTools aims to:
- increase the productivity of individual modellers by automating, simplifying, and establishing best-practices for common tasks,
- increase the productivity of the neuroscience modelling community by reducing the amount of code duplication across simulation communities,
- increase the reliability of data analysis tools leveraging Linus's law: "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."
NeuroTools is open-source software, and anyone who is interested is welcome to contribute.
Licence: GPL v2