HBP Hippocamp 2017: Collaborative and Integrative Modeling of Hippocampus

23rd-24th May 2017, Paris, France


Hippocampus, a brain area fundamental for learning and memory, is one of the most intensely studied brain areas world-wide. This means an enormous quantity of data, but also heterogeneity in terms of sources, methods, quality, etc. Integrating the available anatomical and physiological data in a unified model of hippocampus, and validating it broadly against known phenomena, is a challenging but feasible prospective given the HBP platforms roadmap.

In short, the aims of the workshop are two-fold. First, to engage the larger community of experimentalists and modelers working on hippocampus, and highlight existing modeling efforts and strategic datasets for modeling the Hippocampus. Second, to define and bootstrap an inclusive community-driven model and data-integration process to achieve open pre-competitive reference models of hippocampus, which are well documented, validated, and released at regular intervals (supported in part by IT infrastructure funded by HBP). Involvement from the community interested in characterization and modeling of hippocampus is highly encouraged.

The first day will be scientific presentations on modeling approaches, key datasets, problems and solutions, and some information on HBP activities relevant to the meeting. Instead of having regular research talks discussing the speaker's current research in detail, we aim to have shorter talks which either highlight important sources of experimental data (also discussing limitations etc.) or describe specific problems or solutions that are relevant to building a data-driven Hippocampus model. There will be ample time for discussion following talks. The second day will be highly interactive, and will have the objective of bootstraping a community process for planning, coordinating, reviewing, documenting, and validating regular releases of open integrative pre-competitive reference models of hippocampus. For this format to be effective, the meeting size has been intentially limited. There will be a poster session during lunches.

Preliminary List of Speakers

Bruce Graham (University of Stirling, UK)

Frances Skinner (University of Toronto, Canada)

Mariane Bezaire (Boston University, USA)

Giorgio Ascoli (George Mason University, USA)

Ivan Soltész (Stanford, USA)

Padraig Gleeson (UCL, UK)

Andrew Davison (UNIC-CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)

Marlene Bartos (University of Freiburg, Germany)

Nelson Spruston* (Janelia, USA)

Peter Somogyi* (University of Oxford, UK)

Jose Guzman (IST, Austria)

Javier Defelipe (Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain)

Francesca Cacucci (UCL, London, UK)

To be confirmed - *


Alain Destexhe, Katherine Fregnac, Szabolcs Kali, Audrey Mercer, Michele Migliore, Eilif Muller, Armando Romani, Katrien Van Look.


The meeting was held at the The European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, located at 74 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine in Paris, France.


The meeting organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of the European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, the European Union through the Human Brain Project from the European Union H2020 FET program under grant agreement no. 720270 (HBP SGA1), and support from the Swiss ETH Domain for the Blue Brain Project (BBP).