CNS*09 Workshop: Python in Neuroscience

22nd-23rd July 2009, Berlin, Germany

Python is rapidly becoming the ''de facto'' standard language for systems integration. Python has a large user and developer-base external to the neuroscience community, and a vast module library that facilitates rapid and maintainable development of complex and intricate systems.

In this workshop, we highlighted efforts to develop Python modules for the domain of neuroscience software and neuroinformatics. Moreover, we sought to provide a representative overview of existing mature Python modules for neuroscience and neuroinformatics, to demonstrate a critical mass and show that Python is an appropriate choice of interpreter interface for future neuroscience software development.

There was a tutorial+demo session where visitors with laptops could install and get introduced and aquainted with the various Python software.

Many of these efforts have been featured recently in a special issue of Frontiers in Neuroinformatics on "Python in neuroscience ".


The meeting was held at the CNS*09 Meeting, located at the Hotel Hilton in the Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin, Germany.


This workshop was supported in part by the European Union under the Bio-inspired Intelligent Information Systems program, project reference IST- 2004-15879 (FACETS), and by the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.