Source code for pyNN.standardmodels.receptors

Definition of default parameters (and hence, standard parameter names) for
standard post-synaptic response models.

:copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.

from .base import StandardPostSynapticResponse
#from ..morphology import uniform

[docs]class CurrExpPostSynapticResponse(StandardPostSynapticResponse): """ Post-synaptic response consisting of a step increase in synaptic current followed by exponential decay. """ default_parameters = { "locations": 0.5, # uniform('all', 0.5), # synapses per micron 'tau_syn': 5.0 # time constant of the synaptic conductance in ms. } default_initial_values = { "isyn": 0.0 } units = { "isyn": "nA" } conductance_based = False
[docs]class CondExpPostSynapticResponse(StandardPostSynapticResponse): """ Post-synaptic response consisting of a step increase in synaptic conductance followed by exponential decay. """ default_parameters = { "locations": 0.5, #uniform('all', 0.5), # synapses per micron 'e_syn': 0.0, # synaptic reversal potential in mV. 'tau_syn': 5.0 # time constant of the synaptic conductance in ms. } default_initial_values = { "gsyn": 0.0 } units = { "gsyn": "uS" } conductance_based = True
[docs]class CondAlphaPostSynapticResponse(StandardPostSynapticResponse): """ Post-synaptic response consisting of an "alpha-function"-shaped synaptic conductance: g(t) = t * exp(1 - t/tau_syn) (see A. Roth and M. C. W. van Rossum (2013) Modeling Synapses. In: Computational Modeling Methods for Neuroscientists, MIT Press 2013, pp 139-160) """ default_parameters = { "locations": 0.5, #uniform('all', 0.5), # synapses per micron 'e_syn': 0.0, # synaptic reversal potential in mV. 'tau_syn': 5.0 # time constant of the synaptic conductance in ms. } default_initial_values = { "gsyn": 0.0 } units = { "gsyn": "uS" } conductance_based = True
[docs]class CondBetaPostSynapticResponse(StandardPostSynapticResponse): """ Post-synaptic response consisting of an beta-function-shaped synaptic conductance. """ default_parameters = { "locations": 0.5, #uniform('all', 0.5), # synapses per micron 'e_syn': 0.0, # synaptic reversal potential in mV. 'tau_rise': 0.2, # rise time constant of the synaptic conductance in ms. 'tau_decay': 1.7 # decay time constant of the synaptic conductance in ms. } default_initial_values = { "gsyn": 0.0 } units = { "gsyn": "uS" } conductance_based = True