Standardised current sources

Standard current sources are current sources models that are available in at least two of the simulation engines supported by PyNN. PyNN performs automatic translation of parameter names, types and units. Only a handful of models are currently available, but the list will be expanded in future releases.

Current Sources


Source producing a single pulse of current of constant amplitude.

Availability: NEST, NEURON, Brian

Name Default value Units Description
amplitude 1.0 nA pulse amplitude in nA
start 0 ms onset time of pulse in ms
stop 1000000.0 ms end of pulse in ms


A step-wise time-varying current source.

Availability: NEST, NEURON, Brian

Name Default value Units Description
amplitudes [] nA list/array of times at which the injected current changes.
times [] ms list/array of times at which the injected current changes.


A sine wave modulated current source

Availability: NEST, NEURON, Brian

Name Default value Units Description
amplitude 1.0 nA pulse amplitude in nA
start 0 ms onset time of pulse in ms
stop 1000000.0 ms end of pulse in ms
frequency 10.0 Hz frequency of the oscillation
phase 0 deg phase in degree
offset 0 nA offset of the oscillation in nA


A Gaussian “white” noise current source. The current amplitude changes at fixed intervals, with the new value drawn from a Gaussian distribution.

Availability: NEST, NEURON, Brian

Name Default value Units Description
mean 0.0 nA mean value of the noise
stdev 1.0 nA standard deviation of the noise
start 0 ms onset time of pulse in ms
stop 1000000.0 ms end of pulse in ms
dt 0.1 ms interval between updates of the current