PyNN 0.6 release notes

14th February 2010

Welcome to PyNN 0.6!

There have been three major changes to the API in this version.

  • Spikes, membrane potential and synaptic conductances can now be saved to file in various binary formats. To do this, pass a PyNN File object to Population.print_X(), instead of a filename. There are various types of PyNN File object, defined in the recording.files module, e.g., StandardTextFile, PickleFile, NumpyBinaryFile, HDF5ArrayFile.

  • Added a reset() function and made the behaviour of setup() consistent across simulators. reset() sets the simulation time to zero and sets membrane potentials to their initial values, but does not change the network structure. setup() destroys any previously defined network.

  • The possibility of expressing distance-dependent weights and delays was extended to the AllToAllConnector and FixedProbabilityConnector classes. To reduce the number of arguments to the constructors, the arguments affecting the spatial topology (periodic boundary conditions, etc.) were moved to a new Space class, so that only a single Space instance need be passed to the Connector constructor.


  • Switched to using the point process-based AdExp mechanism in NEURON.

  • Factored out most of the commonality between the Recorder classes of each backend into a parent class recording.Recorder, and tidied up the recording module.

  • Added an attribute conductance_based to StandardCellType, to make the determination of synapse type for a given cell more robust.

  • PyNN now uses a named logger, which makes it easier to control logging levels when using PyNN within a larger application.

  • implemented gather for Projection.saveConnections()

  • Added a test script ( to check whether serial and distributed simulations give the same results

  • Added a size() method to Projection, to give the total number of connections across all nodes (unlike __len__(), which gives only the connections on the local node

  • Speeded up record() by a huge factor (from 10 s for 12000 cells to less than 0.1 s) by removing an unecessary conditional path (since all IDs now have an attribute “local”)

  • synapse_type is now passed to the ConnectionManager constructor, not to the connect() method, since (a) it is fixed for a given connection manager, (b) it is needed in other methods than just connect(); fixed weight unit conversion in brian module.

  • Updated connection handling in nest module to work with NEST version 1.9.8498. Will not now work with previous NEST versions

  • The neuron back-end now supports having both static and Tsodyks-Markram synapses on the same neuron (previously, the T-M synapses replaced the static synapses) - in agreement with nest and common sense. Thanks to Bartosz Telenczuk for reporting this.

  • Added a compatible_output mode for the saveConnections() method. True by default, it allows connections to be reloaded from a file. If False, then the raw connections are stored, which makes for easier postprocessing.

  • Added an ACSource current source to the nest module.

  • Fixed Hoc build directory problem in - see ticket:147

  • Population.get_v() and the other “get” methods now return cell indices (starting from 0) rather than cell IDs. This behaviour now matches that of Population.print_v(), etc. See ticket:119 if you think this is a bad idea.

  • Moved the base Connector class from common to connectors. Put the distances() function inside a Space class, to allow more convenient specification of topology parameters.

  • Projection.setWeights() and setDelays() now accept a 2D array argument (ref ticket:136), to be symmetric with getWeights() and getDelays(). For distributed simulations, each node only takes the values it needs from the array.

  • FixedProbabilityConnector is now more strict, and checks that p_connect is less than 1 (see ticket:148). This makes no difference to the behaviour, but could act as a check for errors in user code.

  • Fixed problem with changing SpikeSourcePoisson rate during a simulation (see ticket:152)