Source code for pyNN.connectors

Defines a common implementation of the built-in PyNN Connector classes.

Simulator modules may use these directly, or may implement their own versions
for improved performance.

:copyright: Copyright 2006-2020 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.

from __future__ import division
from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, AbstractRNG, NumpyRNG, get_mpi_config
from pyNN.core import IndexBasedExpression
from pyNN import errors, descriptions
from pyNN.recording import files
from pyNN.parameters import LazyArray
from pyNN.standardmodels import StandardSynapseType
from pyNN.common import Population
import numpy
    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:  # python3.x
    izip = zip
except NameError:
    basestring = str
from itertools import repeat
import logging
from copy import copy, deepcopy

from lazyarray import arccos, arcsin, arctan, arctan2, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, \
                      fabs, floor, fmod, hypot, ldexp, log, log10, modf, power, \
                      sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, maximum, minimum
from numpy import e, pi

    import csa
    haveCSA = True
except ImportError:
    haveCSA = False

logger = logging.getLogger("PyNN")

def _get_rng(rng):
    if isinstance(rng, AbstractRNG):
        return rng
    elif rng is None:
        return NumpyRNG(seed=151985012)
        raise Exception("rng must be either None, or a subclass of pyNN.random.AbstractRNG")

[docs]class Connector(object): """ Base class for connectors. All connector sub-classes have the following optional keyword arguments: `safe`: if True, check that weights and delays have valid values. If False, this check is skipped. `callback`: a function that will be called with the fractional progress of the connection routine. An example would be `progress_bar.set_level`. """ def __init__(self, safe=True, callback=None): """ docstring needed """ = safe self.callback = callback if callback is not None: assert callable(callback)
[docs] def connect(self, projection): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_parameters(self): P = {} for name in self.parameter_names: P[name] = getattr(self, name) return P
def _generate_distance_map(self, projection): position_generators = (projection.pre.position_generator, return LazyArray(*position_generators), shape=projection.shape) def _parameters_from_synapse_type(self, projection, distance_map=None): """ Obtain the parameters to be used for the connections from the projection's `synapse_type` attribute. Each parameter value is a `LazyArray`. """ if distance_map is None: distance_map = self._generate_distance_map(projection) parameter_space = projection.synapse_type.native_parameters # TODO: in the documentation, we claim that a parameter value can be # a list or 1D array of the same length as the number of connections. # We do not currently handle this scenario, although it is only # really useful for fixed-number connectors anyway. # Probably the best solution is to remove the parameter at this stage, # then set it after the connections have already been created. parameter_space.shape = (projection.pre.size, for name, map in parameter_space.items(): if callable(map.base_value): if isinstance(map.base_value, IndexBasedExpression): # Assumes map is a function of index and hence requires the projection to # determine its value. It and its index function are copied so as to be able # to set the projection without altering the connector, which would perhaps # not be expected from the 'connect' call. new_map = copy(map) new_map.base_value = copy(map.base_value) new_map.base_value.projection = projection parameter_space[name] = new_map else: # Assumes map is a function of distance parameter_space[name] = map(distance_map) return parameter_space
[docs] def describe(self, template='connector_default.txt', engine='default'): """ Returns a human-readable description of the connection method. The output may be customized by specifying a different template togther with an associated template engine (see ``pyNN.descriptions``). If template is None, then a dictionary containing the template context will be returned. """ context = {'name': self.__class__.__name__, 'parameters': self.get_parameters()} return descriptions.render(engine, template, context)
class MapConnector(Connector): """ Abstract base class for Connectors based on connection maps, where a map is a 2D lazy array containing either the (boolean) connectivity matrix (aka adjacency matrix, connection set mask, etc.) or the values of a synaptic connection parameter. """ def _standard_connect(self, projection, connection_map_generator, distance_map=None): """ `connection_map_generator` should be a function or other callable, with one optional argument `mask`, which returns an iterable. The iterable should produce one element per post-synaptic neuron. Each element should be either: (i) a boolean array, indicating which of the pre-synaptic neurons should be connected to, (ii) an integer array indicating the same thing using indices, (iii) or a single boolean, meaning connect to all/none. The `mask` argument, a boolean array, can be used to limit processing to just neurons which exist on the local MPI node. todo: explain the argument `distance_map`. """ column_indices = numpy.arange( postsynaptic_indices = if (projection.synapse_type.native_parameters.parallel_safe or hasattr(self, "rng") and self.rng.parallel_safe): # If any of the synapse parameters are based on parallel-safe random number generators, # we need to iterate over all post-synaptic cells, so we can generate then # throw away the random numbers for the non-local nodes. logger.debug("Parallel-safe iteration.") components = ( column_indices, postsynaptic_indices,, connection_map_generator()) else: # Otherwise, we only need to iterate over local post-synaptic cells. mask = components = ( column_indices[mask], postsynaptic_indices[mask], repeat(True), connection_map_generator(mask)) parameter_space = self._parameters_from_synapse_type(projection, distance_map) # Loop over columns of the connection_map array (equivalent to looping over post-synaptic neurons) for count, (col, postsynaptic_index, local, source_mask) in enumerate(izip(*components)): # `col`: column index # `postsynaptic_index`: index of the post-synaptic neuron # `local`: boolean - does the post-synaptic neuron exist on this MPI node # `source_mask`: boolean numpy array, indicating which of the pre-synaptic neurons should be connected to, # or a single boolean, meaning connect to all/none of the pre-synaptic neurons # It can also be an array of addresses _proceed = False if source_mask is True or source_mask.any(): _proceed = True elif type(source_mask) == numpy.ndarray: if source_mask.dtype == bool: if source_mask.any(): _proceed = True elif len(source_mask) > 0: _proceed = True if _proceed: # Convert from boolean to integer mask, if necessary if source_mask is True: source_mask = numpy.arange(projection.pre.size, dtype=int) elif source_mask.dtype == bool: source_mask = source_mask.nonzero()[0] # Evaluate the lazy arrays containing the synaptic parameters connection_parameters = {} for name, map in parameter_space.items(): if map.is_homogeneous: connection_parameters[name] = map.evaluate(simplify=True) else: connection_parameters[name] = map[source_mask, col] # Check that parameter values are valid if # it might be cheaper to do the weight and delay check before evaluating the larray, # however this is challenging to do if the base value is a function or if there are # a lot of operations, so for simplicity we do the check after evaluation syn = projection.synapse_type if hasattr(syn, "parameter_checks"): #raise Exception(f"{connection_parameters} {syn.parameter_checks}") for parameter_name, check in syn.parameter_checks.items(): native_parameter_name = syn.translations[parameter_name]["translated_name"] # note that for delays we should also apply units scaling to the check values # since this currently only affects Brian we can probably handle that separately # (for weights the checks are all based on zero) if native_parameter_name in connection_parameters: check(connection_parameters[native_parameter_name], projection) if local: # Connect the neurons #logger.debug("Connecting to %d from %s" % (postsynaptic_index, source_mask)) projection._convergent_connect(source_mask, postsynaptic_index, **connection_parameters) if self.callback: self.callback(count / def _connect_with_map(self, projection, connection_map, distance_map=None): """ Create connections according to a connection map. Arguments: `projection`: the `Projection` that is being created. `connection_map`: a boolean `LazyArray` of the same shape as `projection`, representing the connectivity matrix. `distance_map`: TODO """ logger.debug("Connecting %s using a connection map" % projection.label) self._standard_connect(projection, connection_map.by_column, distance_map) def _get_connection_map_no_self_connections(self, projection): if (isinstance(projection.pre, Population) and isinstance(, Population) and projection.pre == # special case, expected to be faster than the default, below connection_map = LazyArray(lambda i, j: i != j, shape=projection.shape) else: # this could be optimized by checking parent or component populations # but should handle both views and assemblies a = numpy.broadcast_to(projection.pre.all_cells, (, projection.pre.size)).T b = connection_map = LazyArray(a != b, shape=projection.shape) return connection_map def _get_connection_map_no_mutual_connections(self, projection): if (isinstance(projection.pre, Population) and isinstance(, Population) and projection.pre == connection_map = LazyArray(lambda i, j: i > j, shape=projection.shape) else: raise NotImplementedError("todo") return connection_map
[docs]class AllToAllConnector(MapConnector): """ Connects all cells in the presynaptic population to all cells in the postsynaptic population. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. """ parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections',) def __init__(self, allow_self_connections=True, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections def connect(self, projection): if not self.allow_self_connections: connection_map = self._get_connection_map_no_self_connections(projection) elif self.allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual': connection_map = self._get_connection_map_no_mutual_connections(projection) else: connection_map = LazyArray(True, shape=projection.shape) self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map)
[docs]class FixedProbabilityConnector(MapConnector): """ For each pair of pre-post cells, the connection probability is constant. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `p_connect`: a float between zero and one. Each potential connection is created with this probability. `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. `rng`: an :class:`RNG` instance used to evaluate whether connections exist """ parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections', 'p_connect') def __init__(self, p_connect, allow_self_connections=True, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) or allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual' self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections self.p_connect = float(p_connect) assert 0 <= self.p_connect self.rng = _get_rng(rng) def connect(self, projection): random_map = LazyArray(RandomDistribution('uniform', (0, 1), rng=self.rng), projection.shape) connection_map = random_map < self.p_connect if not self.allow_self_connections: mask = self._get_connection_map_no_self_connections(projection) connection_map *= mask elif self.allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual': mask = self._get_connection_map_no_mutual_connections(projection) connection_map *= mask self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map)
[docs]class DistanceDependentProbabilityConnector(MapConnector): """ For each pair of pre-post cells, the connection probability depends on distance. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `d_expression`: the right-hand side of a valid Python expression for probability, involving 'd', e.g. "exp(-abs(d))", or "d<3" `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. `rng`: an :class:`RNG` instance used to evaluate whether connections exist """ parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections', 'd_expression') def __init__(self, d_expression, allow_self_connections=True, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert isinstance(d_expression, str) or callable(d_expression) assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) or allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual' try: if isinstance(d_expression, str): d = 0; assert 0 <= eval(d_expression), eval(d_expression) d = 1e12; assert 0 <= eval(d_expression), eval(d_expression) except ZeroDivisionError as err: raise ZeroDivisionError("Error in the distance expression %s. %s" % (d_expression, err)) self.d_expression = d_expression self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections self.distance_function = eval("lambda d: %s" % self.d_expression) self.rng = _get_rng(rng) def connect(self, projection): distance_map = self._generate_distance_map(projection) probability_map = self.distance_function(distance_map) random_map = LazyArray(RandomDistribution('uniform', (0, 1), rng=self.rng), projection.shape) connection_map = random_map < probability_map if not self.allow_self_connections: mask = self._get_connection_map_no_self_connections(projection) connection_map *= mask elif self.allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual': mask = self._get_connection_map_no_mutual_connections(projection) connection_map *= mask self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map, distance_map)
[docs]class IndexBasedProbabilityConnector(MapConnector): """ For each pair of pre-post cells, the connection probability depends on an arbitrary functions that takes the indices of the pre and post populations. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `index_expression`: a function that takes the two cell indices as inputs and calculates the probability matrix from it. `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. `rng`: an :class:`RNG` instance used to evaluate whether connections exist """ parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections', 'index_expression') def __init__(self, index_expression, allow_self_connections=True, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert callable(index_expression) assert isinstance(index_expression, IndexBasedExpression) assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) or allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual' self.index_expression = index_expression self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections self.rng = _get_rng(rng) def connect(self, projection): # The index function is copied so as to avoid the connector being altered by the "connect" # function, which is probably unexpected behaviour. index_expression = copy(self.index_expression) index_expression.projection = projection probability_map = LazyArray(index_expression, projection.shape) random_map = LazyArray(RandomDistribution('uniform', (0, 1), rng=self.rng), projection.shape) connection_map = random_map < probability_map if not self.allow_self_connections: mask = self._get_connection_map_no_self_connections(projection) connection_map *= mask elif self.allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual': mask = self._get_connection_map_no_mutual_connections(projection) connection_map *= mask self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map)
[docs]class DisplacementDependentProbabilityConnector(IndexBasedProbabilityConnector): class DisplacementExpression(IndexBasedExpression): """ A displacement based expression function used to determine the connection probability and the value of variable connection parameters of a projection """ def __init__(self, disp_function): """ `disp_function`: a function that takes a 3xN numpy position matrix and maps each row (displacement) to a probability between 0 and 1 """ self._disp_function = disp_function def __call__(self, i, j): disp = ([j] - self.projection.pre.positions.T[i]).T return self._disp_function(disp) def __init__(self, disp_function, allow_self_connections=True, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): super(DisplacementDependentProbabilityConnector, self).__init__( self.DisplacementExpression(disp_function), allow_self_connections=allow_self_connections, rng=rng, callback=callback)
[docs]class FromListConnector(Connector): """ Make connections according to a list. Arguments: `conn_list`: a list of tuples, one tuple for each connection. Each tuple should contain: `(pre_idx, post_idx, p1, p2, ..., pn)` where `pre_idx` is the index (i.e. order in the Population, not the ID) of the presynaptic neuron, `post_idx` is the index of the postsynaptic neuron, and p1, p2, etc. are the synaptic parameters (e.g. weight, delay, plasticity parameters). `column_names`: the names of the parameters p1, p2, etc. If not provided, it is assumed the parameters are 'weight', 'delay' (for backwards compatibility). This should be specified using a tuple. `safe`: if True, check that weights and delays have valid values. If False, this check is skipped. `callback`: if True, display a progress bar on the terminal. """ parameter_names = ('conn_list',) def __init__(self, conn_list, column_names=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe=safe, callback=callback) self.conn_list = numpy.array(conn_list) if len(conn_list) > 0: n_columns = self.conn_list.shape[1] if column_names is None: if n_columns == 2: self.column_names = () elif n_columns == 4: self.column_names = ('weight', 'delay') else: raise TypeError("Argument 'column_names' is required.") else: self.column_names = column_names if n_columns != len(self.column_names) + 2: raise ValueError("connection list has %d parameter columns, but %d column names provided." % ( n_columns - 2, len(self.column_names))) else: self.column_names = () def connect(self, projection): """Connect-up a Projection.""" logger.debug("conn_list (original) = \n%s", self.conn_list) synapse_parameter_names = projection.synapse_type.get_parameter_names() for name in self.column_names: if name not in synapse_parameter_names: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid parameter for %s" % ( name, projection.synapse_type.__class__.__name__)) if self.conn_list.size == 0: return if numpy.any(self.conn_list[:, 0] >= projection.pre.size): raise errors.ConnectionError("source index out of range") # need to do some profiling, to figure out the best way to do this: # - order of sorting/filtering by local # - use numpy.unique, or just do in1d(self.conn_list)? idx = numpy.argsort(self.conn_list[:, 1]) targets = numpy.unique(self.conn_list[:, 1]).astype( local = numpy.in1d(targets, numpy.arange([], assume_unique=True) local_targets = targets[local] self.conn_list = self.conn_list[idx] left = numpy.searchsorted(self.conn_list[:, 1], local_targets, 'left') right = numpy.searchsorted(self.conn_list[:, 1], local_targets, 'right') logger.debug("idx = %s", idx) logger.debug("targets = %s", targets) logger.debug("local_targets = %s", local_targets) logger.debug("conn_list (sorted by target) = \n%s", self.conn_list) logger.debug("left = %s", left) logger.debug("right = %s", right) for tgt, l, r in zip(local_targets, left, right): sources = self.conn_list[l:r, 0].astype( connection_parameters = deepcopy(projection.synapse_type.parameter_space) connection_parameters.shape = (r - l,) for col, name in enumerate(self.column_names, 2): connection_parameters.update(**{name: self.conn_list[l:r, col]}) if isinstance(projection.synapse_type, StandardSynapseType): connection_parameters = projection.synapse_type.translate( connection_parameters) connection_parameters.evaluate() projection._convergent_connect(sources, tgt, **connection_parameters)
[docs]class FromFileConnector(FromListConnector): """ Make connections according to a list read from a file. Arguments: `file`: either an open file object or the filename of a file containing a list of connections, in the format required by `FromListConnector`. Column headers, if included in the file, must be specified using a list or tuple, e.g.:: # columns = ["i", "j", "weight", "delay", "U", "tau_rec"] Note that the header requires `#` at the beginning of the line. `distributed`: if this is True, then each node will read connections from a file called `filename.x`, where `x` is the MPI rank. This speeds up loading connections for distributed simulations. `safe`: if True, check that weights and delays have valid values. If False, this check is skipped. `callback`: if True, display a progress bar on the terminal. """ parameter_names = ('file', 'distributed') def __init__(self, file, distributed=False, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe=safe, callback=callback) if isinstance(file, basestring): file = files.StandardTextFile(file, mode='r') self.file = file self.distributed = distributed def connect(self, projection): """Connect-up a Projection.""" if self.distributed: self.file.rename("%s.%d" % (, projection._simulator.state.mpi_rank)) self.column_names = self.file.get_metadata().get('columns', ('weight', 'delay')) for ignore in "ij": if ignore in self.column_names: self.column_names.remove(ignore) self.conn_list = FromListConnector.connect(self, projection)
class FixedNumberConnector(MapConnector): # base class - should not be instantiated parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections', 'n') def __init__(self, n, allow_self_connections=True, with_replacement=False, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) or allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual' self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections self.with_replacement = with_replacement self.n = n if isinstance(n, int): assert n >= 0 elif isinstance(n, RandomDistribution): # weak check that the random distribution is ok assert numpy.all(numpy.array( >= 0), "the random distribution produces negative numbers" else: raise TypeError("n must be an integer or a RandomDistribution object") self.rng = _get_rng(rng) def _rng_uniform_int_exclude(self, n, size, exclude): res =, 'uniform_int', {"low": 0, "high": size}, mask=None) logger.debug("RNG0 res=%s" % res) idx = numpy.where(res == exclude)[0] logger.debug("RNG1 exclude=%d, res=%s idx=%s" % (exclude, res, idx)) while idx.size > 0: redrawn =, 'uniform_int', {"low": 0, "high": size}, mask=None) res[idx] = redrawn idx = idx[numpy.where(res == exclude)[0]] logger.debug("RNG2 exclude=%d redrawn=%s res=%s idx=%s" % (exclude, redrawn, res, idx)) return res
[docs]class FixedNumberPostConnector(FixedNumberConnector): """ Each pre-synaptic neuron is connected to exactly `n` post-synaptic neurons chosen at random. The sampling behaviour is controlled by the `with_replacement` argument. "With replacement" means that each post-synaptic neuron is chosen from the entire population. There is always therefore a possibility of multiple connections between a given pair of neurons. "Without replacement" means that once a neuron has been selected, it cannot be selected again until the entire population has been selected. This means that if `n` is less than the size of the post-synaptic population, there are no multiple connections. If `n` is greater than the size of the post- synaptic population, all possible single connections are made before starting to add duplicate connections. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `n`: either a positive integer, or a `RandomDistribution` that produces positive integers. If `n` is a `RandomDistribution`, then the number of post-synaptic neurons is drawn from this distribution for each pre-synaptic neuron. `with_replacement`: if True, the selection of neurons to connect is made from the entire population. If False, once a neuron is selected it cannot be selected again until the entire population has been connected. `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. `rng`: an :class:`RNG` instance used to evaluate which potential connections are created. """ def _get_num_post(self): if isinstance(self.n, int): n_post = self.n else: n_post = return n_post def connect(self, projection): connections = [[] for i in range(] for source_index in range(projection.pre.size): n = self._get_num_post() if self.with_replacement: if not self.allow_self_connections and projection.pre == targets = self._rng_uniform_int_exclude(n,, source_index) else: targets =, 'uniform_int', {"low": 0, "high":}, mask=None) else: all_cells = numpy.arange( if not self.allow_self_connections and projection.pre == all_cells = all_cells[all_cells != source_index] full_sets = n // all_cells.size remainder = n % all_cells.size target_sets = [] if full_sets > 0: target_sets = [all_cells] * full_sets if remainder > 0: target_sets.append(self.rng.permutation(all_cells)[:remainder]) targets = numpy.hstack(target_sets) assert targets.size == n for target_index in targets: connections[target_index].append(source_index) def build_source_masks(mask=None): if mask is None: return [numpy.array(x) for x in connections] else: return [numpy.array(x) for x in numpy.array(connections)[mask]] self._standard_connect(projection, build_source_masks)
[docs]class FixedNumberPreConnector(FixedNumberConnector): """ Each post-synaptic neuron is connected to exactly `n` pre-synaptic neurons chosen at random. The sampling behaviour is controlled by the `with_replacement` argument. "With replacement" means that each pre-synaptic neuron is chosen from the entire population. There is always therefore a possibility of multiple connections between a given pair of neurons. "Without replacement" means that once a neuron has been selected, it cannot be selected again until the entire population has been selected. This means that if `n` is less than the size of the pre-synaptic population, there are no multiple connections. If `n` is greater than the size of the pre- synaptic population, all possible single connections are made before starting to add duplicate connections. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `n`: either a positive integer, or a `RandomDistribution` that produces positive integers. If `n` is a `RandomDistribution`, then the number of pre-synaptic neurons is drawn from this distribution for each post-synaptic neuron. `with_replacement`: if True, the selection of neurons to connect is made from the entire population. If False, once a neuron is selected it cannot be selected again until the entire population has been connected. `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. `rng`: an :class:`RNG` instance used to evaluate which potential connections are created. """ def _get_num_pre(self, size, mask=None): if isinstance(self.n, int): if mask is None: n_pre = repeat(self.n, size) else: n_pre = repeat(self.n, mask.sum()) else: if mask is None: n_pre = else: if self.n.rng.parallel_safe: n_pre =[mask] else: n_pre = return n_pre def connect(self, projection): if self.with_replacement: if self.allow_self_connections or projection.pre != def build_source_masks(mask=None): n_pre = self._get_num_pre(, mask) for n in n_pre: sources =, 'uniform_int', {"low": 0, "high": projection.pre.size}, mask=None) assert sources.size == n yield sources else: def build_source_masks(mask=None): n_pre = self._get_num_pre(, mask) if self.rng.parallel_safe or mask is None: for i, n in enumerate(n_pre): sources = self._rng_uniform_int_exclude(n, projection.pre.size, i) assert sources.size == n yield sources else: # TODO: use mask to obtain indices i raise NotImplementedError("allow_self_connections=False currently requires a parallel safe RNG.") else: if self.allow_self_connections or projection.pre != def build_source_masks(mask=None): # where n > projection.pre.size, first all pre-synaptic cells # are connected one or more times, then the remainder # are chosen randomly n_pre = self._get_num_pre(, mask) all_cells = numpy.arange(projection.pre.size) for n in n_pre: full_sets = n // projection.pre.size remainder = n % projection.pre.size source_sets = [] if full_sets > 0: source_sets = [all_cells] * full_sets if remainder > 0: source_sets.append(self.rng.permutation(all_cells)[:remainder]) sources = numpy.hstack(source_sets) assert sources.size == n yield sources else: def build_source_masks(mask=None): # where n > projection.pre.size, first all pre-synaptic cells # are connected one or more times, then the remainder # are chosen randomly n_pre = self._get_num_pre(, mask) all_cells = numpy.arange(projection.pre.size) if self.rng.parallel_safe or mask is None: for i, n in enumerate(n_pre): full_sets = n // (projection.pre.size - 1) remainder = n % (projection.pre.size - 1) allowed_cells = all_cells[all_cells != i] source_sets = [] if full_sets > 0: source_sets = [allowed_cells] * full_sets if remainder > 0: source_sets.append(self.rng.permutation(allowed_cells)[:remainder]) sources = numpy.hstack(source_sets) assert sources.size == n yield sources else: raise NotImplementedError("allow_self_connections=False currently requires a parallel safe RNG.") self._standard_connect(projection, build_source_masks)
[docs]class OneToOneConnector(MapConnector): """ Where the pre- and postsynaptic populations have the same size, connect cell *i* in the presynaptic population to cell *i* in the postsynaptic population for all *i*. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments. """ parameter_names = tuple() def connect(self, projection): """Connect-up a Projection.""" connection_map = LazyArray(lambda i, j: i == j, shape=projection.shape) self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map)
[docs]class SmallWorldConnector(Connector): """ Connect cells so as to create a small-world network. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `degree`: the region length where nodes will be connected locally. `rewiring`: the probability of rewiring each edge. `allow_self_connections`: if the connector is used to connect a Population to itself, this flag determines whether a neuron is allowed to connect to itself, or only to other neurons in the Population. `n_connections`: if specified, the number of efferent synaptic connections per neuron. `rng`: an :class:`RNG` instance used to evaluate which connections are created. """ parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections', 'degree', 'rewiring', 'n_connections') def __init__(self, degree, rewiring, allow_self_connections=True, n_connections=None, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert 0 <= rewiring <= 1 assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) or allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual' self.rewiring = rewiring self.d_expression = "d < %g" % degree self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections self.n_connections = n_connections self.rng = _get_rng(rng) def connect(self, projection): """Connect-up a Projection.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CSAConnector(MapConnector): """ Use the Connection Set Algebra (Djurfeldt, 2012) to connect cells. Takes any of the standard :class:`Connector` optional arguments and, in addition: `cset`: a connection set object. """ parameter_names = ('cset',) if haveCSA: def __init__(self, cset, safe=True, callback=None): """ """ Connector.__init__(self, safe=safe, callback=callback) self.cset = cset arity = csa.arity(cset) assert arity in (0, 2), 'must specify mask or connection-set with arity 0 or 2' else: def __init__(self, cset, safe=True, callback=None): raise RuntimeError("CSAConnector not available---couldn't import csa module") def connect(self, projection): """Connect-up a Projection.""" # Cut out finite part c = csa.cross((0, projection.pre.size - 1), (0, - 1)) * self.cset # can't we cut out just the columns we want? if csa.arity(self.cset) == 2: # Connection-set with arity 2 for (i, j, weight, delay) in c: projection._convergent_connect([projection.pre[i]],[j], weight, delay) elif csa.arity(self.cset) == 0: # inefficient implementation as a starting point connection_map = numpy.zeros((projection.pre.size,, dtype=bool) for addr in c: connection_map[addr] = True self._connect_with_map(projection, LazyArray(connection_map)) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CloneConnector(MapConnector): """ Connects cells with the same connectivity pattern as a previous projection. """ parameter_names = ('reference_projection',) def __init__(self, reference_projection, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new CloneConnector. `reference_projection` -- the projection to clone the connectivity pattern from """ MapConnector.__init__(self, safe, callback=callback) self.reference_projection = reference_projection def connect(self, projection): if (projection.pre != self.reference_projection.pre or != raise errors.ConnectionError("Pre and post populations must match between reference ({0}" " and {1}) and clone projections ({2} and {3}) for " "CloneConnector" .format(self.reference_projection.pre,, projection.pre, connection_map = LazyArray(~numpy.isnan(self.reference_projection.get(['weight'], 'array', gather='all')[0])) self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map)
[docs]class ArrayConnector(MapConnector): """ Provide an explicit boolean connection matrix, with shape (m, n) where m is the size of the presynaptic population and n that of the postsynaptic population. """ parameter_names = ('array',) def __init__(self, array, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) self.array = array def connect(self, projection): connection_map = LazyArray(self.array, projection.shape) self._connect_with_map(projection, connection_map)
[docs]class FixedTotalNumberConnector(FixedNumberConnector): parameter_names = ('allow_self_connections', 'n') def __init__(self, n, allow_self_connections=True, with_replacement=True, rng=None, safe=True, callback=None): """ Create a new connector. """ Connector.__init__(self, safe, callback) assert isinstance(allow_self_connections, bool) or allow_self_connections == 'NoMutual' self.allow_self_connections = allow_self_connections self.with_replacement = with_replacement self.n = n if isinstance(n, int): assert n >= 0 elif isinstance(n, RandomDistribution): # weak check that the random distribution is ok assert numpy.all(numpy.array( >= 0), "the random distribution produces negative numbers" else: raise TypeError("n must be an integer or a RandomDistribution object") self.rng = _get_rng(rng) def connect(self, projection): # This implementation is not "parallel safe" for random numbers. # todo: support the `parallel_safe` flag. # Determine number of processes and current rank rank = projection._simulator.state.mpi_rank num_processes = projection._simulator.state.num_processes # Assume that targets are equally distributed over processes targets_per_process = int(len( / num_processes) # Calculate the number of synapses on each process bino = RandomDistribution('binomial', [self.n, targets_per_process / len(], rng=self.rng) num_conns_on_vp = numpy.zeros(num_processes, dtype=int) sum_dist = 0 sum_partitions = 0 for k in range(num_processes): p_local = targets_per_process / (len( - sum_dist) bino.parameters['p'] = p_local bino.parameters['n'] = self.n - sum_partitions num_conns_on_vp[k] = sum_dist += targets_per_process sum_partitions += num_conns_on_vp[k] # Draw random sources and targets connections = [[] for i in range(] possible_targets = numpy.arange([] for i in range(num_conns_on_vp[rank]): source_index =, 'uniform_int', {"low": 0, "high": projection.pre.size}, mask=None)[0] target_index = self.rng.choice(possible_targets, size=1)[0] connections[target_index].append(source_index) def build_source_masks(mask=None): if mask is None: return [numpy.array(x) for x in connections] else: return [numpy.array(x) for x in numpy.array(connections)[mask]] self._standard_connect(projection, build_source_masks)