Source code for pyNN.utility

# encoding: utf-8
A collection of utility functions and classes.

    notify()          - send an e-mail when a simulation has finished.
    get_script_args() - get the command line arguments to the script, however
                        it was run (python, nrniv, mpirun, etc.).
    get_simulator() -
    init_logging()    - convenience function for setting up logging to file and
                        to the screen.

    plotting module

    Timer    - a convenience wrapper around the time.perf_counter() function from the
               standard library.

:copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.


import functools

from .progress_bar import ProgressBar, SimulationProgressBar  # noqa: F401
from .script_tools import (                                   # noqa: F401
from .timer import Timer                                      # noqa: F401

# todo: review whether it is worth keeping the following, little-used functions

[docs]def save_population(population, filename, variables=None): """ Saves the spike_times of a population and the size, structure, labels such that one can load it back into a SpikeSourceArray population using the load_population() function. """ import shelve s = s["spike_times"] = population.getSpikes() s["label"] = population.label s["size"] = population.size s["structure"] = population.structure # should perhaps just save the positions? variables_dict = {} if variables: for variable in variables: variables_dict[variable] = getattr(population, variable) s["variables"] = variables_dict s.close()
[docs]def load_population(filename, sim): """ Loads a population that was saved with the save_population() function into SpikeSourceArray. """ import shelve s = ssa = getattr(sim, "SpikeSourceArray") population = getattr(sim, "Population")( s["size"], ssa, structure=s["structure"], label=s["label"] ) # set the spiketimes spikes = s["spike_times"] for neuron in range(s["size"]): spike_times = spikes[spikes[:, 0] == neuron][:, 1] neuron_in_new_population = neuron + population.first_id index = population.id_to_index(neuron_in_new_population) population[index].set_parameters(**{"spike_times": spike_times}) # set the variables for variable, value in s["variables"].items(): setattr(population, variable, value) s.close() return population
def sort_by_column(a, col): # see return a[a[:, col].argsort(), :] # based on class forgetful_memoize(object): """ Decorator that caches the result from the last time a function was called. If the next call uses the same arguments, the cached value is returned, and not re-evaluated. If the next call uses different arguments, the cached value is overwritten. The use case is when the same, heavy-weight function is called repeatedly with the same arguments in different places. """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.cached_args = None self.cached_value = None def __call__(self, *args): if args == self.cached_args: print("using cached value") return self.cached_value else: value = self.func(*args) self.cached_args = args self.cached_value = value return value def __get__(self, obj, objtype): """Support instance methods.""" return functools.partial(self.__call__, obj)