Source code for pyNN.neuron.projections

# encoding: utf-8
nrnpython implementation of the PyNN API.

:copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import logging
from itertools import repeat, chain
from collections import defaultdict
from pyNN import common, errors, core
from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, NativeRNG
from import Space
from . import simulator
from .standardmodels.synapses import StaticSynapse, TsodyksMarkramSynapse

logger = logging.getLogger("PyNN")

_projections = []  # if a Projection is created but not assigned to a variable,
                   # the connections will not exist, so we store a reference here

[docs]class Projection(common.Projection): __doc__ = common.Projection.__doc__ _simulator = simulator _static_synapse_class = StaticSynapse def __init__(self, presynaptic_population, postsynaptic_population, connector, synapse_type=None, source=None, receptor_type=None, space=Space(), label=None): __doc__ = common.Projection.__init__.__doc__ common.Projection.__init__(self, presynaptic_population, postsynaptic_population, connector, synapse_type, source, receptor_type, space, label) self._connections = dict((index, defaultdict(list)) for index in[0]) connector.connect(self) self._presynaptic_components = dict((index, {}) for index in self.pre._mask_local.nonzero()[0]) if self.synapse_type.presynaptic_type: self._configure_presynaptic_components() _projections.append(self)"--- Projection[%s].__init__() ---" % self.label) @property def connections(self): for x in self._connections.values(): for y in x.values(): for z in y: yield z
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i): __doc__ = common.Projection.__getitem__.__doc__ if isinstance(i, int): if i < len(self): return self.connections[i] else: raise IndexError("%d > %d" % (i, len(self) - 1)) elif isinstance(i, slice): if i.stop < len(self): return [self.connections[j] for j in range(*i.indices(i.stop))] else: raise IndexError("%d > %d" % (i.stop, len(self) - 1))
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return the number of connections on the local MPI node.""" return len(list(self.connections))
def _convergent_connect(self, presynaptic_indices, postsynaptic_index, **connection_parameters): """ Connect a neuron to one or more other neurons with a static connection. `presynaptic_cells` -- a 1D array of pre-synaptic cell IDs `postsynaptic_cell` -- the ID of the post-synaptic cell. `connection_parameters` -- each parameter should be either a 1D array of the same length as `sources`, or a single value. """ #logger.debug("Convergent connect. Weights=%s" % connection_parameters['weight']) postsynaptic_cell =[postsynaptic_index] if not isinstance(postsynaptic_cell, int) or not (0 <= postsynaptic_cell <= simulator.state.gid_counter): errmsg = "Invalid post-synaptic cell: %s (gid_counter=%d)" % ( postsynaptic_cell, simulator.state.gid_counter) raise errors.ConnectionError(errmsg) for name, value in connection_parameters.items(): if isinstance(value, (float, int)): connection_parameters[name] = repeat(value) assert postsynaptic_cell.local for pre_idx, values in core.ezip(presynaptic_indices, *connection_parameters.values()): parameters = dict(zip(connection_parameters.keys(), values)) # logger.debug("Connecting neuron #%s to neuron #%s with synapse type %s, receptor type %s, parameters %s", pre_idx, postsynaptic_index, self.synapse_type, self.receptor_type, parameters) self._connections[postsynaptic_index][pre_idx].append( self.synapse_type.connection_type(self, pre_idx, postsynaptic_index, **parameters)) def _configure_presynaptic_components(self): """ For gap junctions potentially other complex synapse types the presynaptic side of the connection also needs to be initiated. This is a little tricky with sources distributed on different nodes as the parameters need to be gathered to the node where the source is hosted before it can be set """ # Get the list of all connections on all nodes conn_list = np.array(self.get(self.synapse_type.get_parameter_names(), 'list', gather='all', with_address=True)) # Loop through each of the connections where the presynaptic index (first column) is on # the local node mask_local = np.array(np.in1d(np.squeeze(conn_list[:, 0]), np.nonzero(self.pre._mask_local)[0]), dtype=bool) for conn in conn_list[mask_local, :]: pre_idx = int(conn[0]) post_idx = int(conn[1]) params = dict(zip(self.synapse_type.get_parameter_names(), conn[2:])) self._presynaptic_components[pre_idx][post_idx] = \ self.synapse_type.presynaptic_type(self, pre_idx, post_idx, **params) def _set_attributes(self, parameter_space): # If synapse has pre-synaptic components evaluate the parameters for them if self.synapse_type.presynaptic_type: presyn_param_space = deepcopy(parameter_space) presyn_param_space.evaluate(mask=(slice(None), self.pre._mask_local)) for component, connection_parameters in zip(self._presynaptic_components.values(), presyn_param_space.columns()): for name, value in connection_parameters.items(): for index in component: setattr(component[index], name, value[index]) # Evaluate the parameters for the post-synaptic components (typically the "Connection" object) # only columns for connections that exist on this machine parameter_space.evaluate(mask=(slice(None), for connection_group, connection_parameters in zip(self._connections.values(), parameter_space.columns()): for name, value in connection_parameters.items(): for index in connection_group: for connection in connection_group[index]: setattr(connection, name, value[index]) def _set_initial_value_array(self, variable, value): raise NotImplemented