Source code for pyNN.neuron.populations

# encoding: utf-8
nrnpython implementation of the PyNN API.

:copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.


import numpy as np
import logging
from pyNN import common
from pyNN.parameters import ArrayParameter, Sequence, ParameterSpace, simplify, LazyArray
from pyNN.standardmodels import StandardCellType
from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution
from . import simulator
from .recording import Recorder

logger = logging.getLogger("PyNN")

class PopulationMixin(object):

    def _set_parameters(self, parameter_space):
        """parameter_space should contain native parameters"""
        for cell, parameters in zip(self, parameter_space):
            for name, val in parameters.items():
                setattr(cell._cell, name, val)

    def _get_parameters(self, *names):
        return a ParameterSpace containing native parameters
        parameter_dict = {}
        for name in names:
            if name == 'spike_times':  # hack
                parameter_dict[name] = [Sequence(getattr(id._cell, name)) for id in self]
                val = np.array([getattr(id._cell, name) for id in self])
                if isinstance(val[0], tuple) or len(val.shape) == 2:
                    val = np.array([ArrayParameter(v) for v in val])
                    val = LazyArray(simplify(val), shape=(self.local_size,), dtype=ArrayParameter)
                    parameter_dict[name] = val
                    parameter_dict[name] = simplify(val)
                parameter_dict[name] = simplify(val)
        return ParameterSpace(parameter_dict, shape=(self.local_size,))

    def _set_initial_value_array(self, variable, initial_values):
        if initial_values.is_homogeneous:
            value = initial_values.evaluate(simplify=True)
            for cell in self:  # only on local node
                setattr(cell._cell, "%s_init" % variable, value)
            if isinstance(initial_values.base_value, RandomDistribution) and initial_values.base_value.rng.parallel_safe:
                local_values = initial_values.evaluate()[self._mask_local]
                local_values = initial_values[self._mask_local]
            for cell, value in zip(self, local_values):
                setattr(cell._cell, "%s_init" % variable, value)

[docs]class Assembly(common.Assembly): __doc__ = common.Assembly.__doc__ _simulator = simulator
[docs]class PopulationView(common.PopulationView, PopulationMixin): __doc__ = common.PopulationView.__doc__ _simulator = simulator _assembly_class = Assembly def _get_view(self, selector, label=None): return PopulationView(self, selector, label)
[docs]class Population(common.Population, PopulationMixin): __doc__ = common.Population.__doc__ _simulator = simulator _recorder_class = Recorder _assembly_class = Assembly def __init__(self, size, cellclass, cellparams=None, structure=None, initial_values={}, label=None): __doc__ = common.Population.__doc__ common.Population.__init__(self, size, cellclass, cellparams, structure, initial_values, label) simulator.initializer.register(self) def _get_view(self, selector, label=None): return PopulationView(self, selector, label) def _create_cells(self): """ Create cells in NEURON using the celltype of the current Population. """ # this method should never be called more than once # perhaps should check for that self.first_id = simulator.state.gid_counter self.last_id = simulator.state.gid_counter + self.size - 1 self.all_cells = np.array([id for id in range(self.first_id, self.last_id + 1)], simulator.ID) # mask_local is used to extract those elements from arrays that apply to the cells on the current node # round-robin distribution of cells between nodes self._mask_local = self.all_cells % simulator.state.num_processes == simulator.state.mpi_rank if isinstance(self.celltype, StandardCellType): parameter_space = self.celltype.native_parameters else: parameter_space = self.celltype.parameter_space parameter_space.shape = (self.size,) parameter_space.evaluate(mask=None) for i, (id, is_local, params) in enumerate(zip(self.all_cells, self._mask_local, parameter_space)): self.all_cells[i] = simulator.ID(id) self.all_cells[i].parent = self if is_local: if hasattr(self.celltype, "extra_parameters"): params.update(self.celltype.extra_parameters) self.all_cells[i]._build_cell(self.celltype.model, params) simulator.initializer.register(*self.all_cells[self._mask_local]) simulator.state.gid_counter += self.size def _native_rset(self, parametername, rand_distr): """ 'Random' set. Set the value of parametername to a value taken from rand_distr, which should be a RandomDistribution object. """ assert isinstance(rand_distr.rng, NativeRNG) rng = simulator.h.Random(rand_distr.rng.seed or 0) native_rand_distr = getattr(rng, rarr = [native_rand_distr(*rand_distr.parameters)] + [rng.repick() for i in range(self.all_cells.size - 1)] self.tset(parametername, rarr)